Website Designing
Company in Delhi
Craftedera is a Website Designing Company In Delhi
We help promote businesses by making effective websites with the help of our special and creative team. Craftedera is Website Designing Company In Delhi which makes use of the latest technologies and elements, unique design and layout to make a website capable of standing in the market. We provide eye catching interface design and a result oriented web strategy. Web design is the base of the process of creating a website. It determines the interface and feel of a website, while web development determines how it functions.
Using coding languages like HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Jquery and JavaScript are called front-end development. On the other hand, a website needs a back-end store and to organize the data which comes from the front-end. PHP, .Net, C++, Python etc. are used for the back-end development. Some designers code and some design. Some designers do both.

Our Website Design Services
Our Website Designing Company In Delhi is here to build your brand's digital personality
1. Front-End Development
Front-end web developers implement visual elements and UI designs that enable functionality of a web application or a website. We as a Website Designing Company In Delhi create websites and applications using web languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, Bootstrap. When you visit a website all that you see, the design, layout, interface are created by a front-end developer. Some Front End Frameworks and Libraries are Angular JS, React JS, Bootstrap, Jquery, SASS, and some others. Check out our Graphic Designing Services if you want attractive layouts for your website, social media or other print media.

2. Back-End Development
The users have only interface access, what they don’t see takes place on a server which involves back-end development. A website needs a back-end to store and organize all the data that comes from the front end. For instance, if you buy something, you first add items in the cart, then you have to make a transaction, there you enter the information in a form on the front end of the website. And that information is stored in a database that lives on a server in back-end. The front-end and back-end of a website always go hand-in-hand. A back-end developer makes sure that applications, databases, and servers work together using languages and frameworks.